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Food & Farming

Food & Farming

Discover local farms, farmers' markets, grocery services and food-related organizations.

Local tips & resources

BASIL Seed Library

The Bay Area Seed Interchange Library (BASIL) Project is part of a growing network of concerned farmers and community gardeners dedicated to conserving the remaining genetic diversity of our planet’s seed stock. We have created a library of healthy vegetable, herb, and flower seeds that are available free to the public at the Ecology Center in Berkeley. BASIL hopes to encourage good growing techniques by offering seed saving classes, access to literature, and one-to-one help from experienced seed savers. We are a dynamic group that needs your support and involvement!

Bay Area Vegetarians

A San Francisco Bay Area wide organization for vegans, vegetarians, vegan-inclined and interested people to find community & support for vegetarianism with like-minded folks.

All tips & resources

#8meals by Habits of Waste

The #8meals app (by features free plant-based recipes, a carbon footprint calculator, meal planner, a chat room and social media sharing features.

1 lb of beef produces the same amount of carbon emissions as driving 30 miles

One of the most polluting foods is beef. Producing 2.2 pounds of beef emits the same amount of greenhouse gases as driving 64 miles in the average passenger car. The majority of these emissions come from producing the feed to give to cattle as well as enteric fermentation (i.e., cow burps), which emits methane. Beef takes also a large amount of natural resources and other inputs to be produced; lots of energy, land, and water are all required to raise cattle, let them graze, and finally produce the product you see in grocery stores and restaurants.

17 Surprising Ways You Might Be Wasting Food and Not Know It

Many of us now realize that food waste is a big problem in the U.S. But did you know that a lot of that food is wasted in our homes—probably more than 40 percent in all. It may seem like just a little bit of leftover dinner going in the trash (or chilling away the guilt in the back of the freezer) but when all of us toss a little bit every week, it adds up to a tremendous amount of wasted food. Besides, there are other reasons up and down the food supply chain where food is wasted because of our bad food habits.

A Detailed Meal Plan

One way to avoid creating food waste is to create a detailed meal plan for the week and build a shopping list around that meal plan. This better ensures everything will get consumed. Check out this meal planner:


Investing in Farmland. Simplified.

Apeel Sciences

Apeel adds a layer of plant-derived protection to the surface of fresh produce to slow water loss and oxidation — the factors that cause spoilage.

Aquaponics Institute

The Aquaponics Institute adds capacity to Instructors, farm managers and owners by providing opportunities to learn, develop know-how and better understand practical Aquaponics management and operational technologies for the individual, community and the corporation. We will do this through a range of services in business and management training, events, workshops and seminars, coaching, research, publications and media.

Ardenwood Historic Farm

Through Ardenwood's educational programs, visitors can see and participate in many activities common to a turn-of-the-century farm. Weekdays, naturalists provide programs for school classes and other groups by reservation. Non-reservation weekend programs include the planting, tending and harvesting of Ardenwood's organic crops, farm chore demonstrations, and hands-on experiences for the whole family. They offer tours of the Patterson house on the property.


Coopérative d'intérêt collectif (SCIC) qui soutient les #circuitscourts en fournissant à prix juste des services, dont la mise à disposition d’une plateforme de vente en ligne, sous licence libre.

Habits of Waste

Our mission: Cleaning up the planet one “habit of waste” at a time.