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A San Francisco-based startup which produces sustainable products and apparels from fungi

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Levi's Secondhand

If everybody bought one used item this year, instead of buying new, it would save 449 million pounds of waste. With Levi’s® SecondHand, we’re inviting you to join us in a more sustainable future.


Zero Compromise Garments - Essentials Made To Last

Beware of fast fashion

New styles are constantly coming in, as old styles are just as quickly fading away. Style crazes are often exacerbated by the cheap prices you can find at major retailers, and with just a small investment, you too can be walking around with threads from the latest trend. It’s not even too upsetting if an item doesn’t last that long – due to its cheap price tag, we can easily go out and buy a new replacement. This scenario is known as fast fashion, a culprit of the “throw-away” culture, which prompts individuals to buy more and more clothes. In turn, a lot of virgin natural resources are extracted and used to produce these clothes, and a lot of waste is created from quickly discarded clothing.


You should be able to wear what you believe without compromising on style. Welcome to the site for fashion that is good for you and the Earth.

Good Garms

Good Garms is a place to discover clothes made with love and learn about sustainability. We put sustainable brands front and centre.


The best way to recycle your clothes

Natural Fiber Welding

Its work is transforming the soft-goods material industry, from petroleum addiction and linear life-cycles to plant-based and inherent circularity.


Olive is building the most convenient way to shop (+ it's green!)


Swap Fashion in your local area


Secondhand women's clothing, accessories, and footwear! Vinted is thrifting re-imagined.