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Local tips & resources

Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN)

APEN is a regional organization based in the Bay Area that works for a quality environment and social justice in our communities. APEN is known nationally for its work developing young leaders, increasing civic participation in underrepresented communities, and promoting environmental justice. Publication: Voices

Bay Area Open Space Council

A collaborative program of public and non-profit agencies and organizations, providing regional leadership and expertise for the preservation and professional management of important open spaces in and around the cities of the San Francisco Bay Area. Programs include: Interagency Communication, Research, Education, Legislation. Website features the San Francisco Bay Area Open Space Guide.

All tips & resources

A Living Library

A Living Library provides a powerful systemic framework, multiple methodologies and strategies for creating place-based, ecological change in communities and schools - locally and globally. A.L.L. integrates local resources - past, present, future - and transforms them with community, to become vibrant, content-rich, art-filled, ecological learning landscapes; each Branch linked to another.

Adbuster Media Foundation

A global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators, & entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age.

American Society for Horticultural Science

A site for horticultural scientists and others interested in horticulture. It provides information on research, education, extension findings and methods, developments and trends that affect the profession.

Ampersand Sustainable Learning Center

Our mission is to provide educational services that offer opportunities to learn, share, explore, and embody methods for living within the means of our local resources and promote ecological literacy. We emphasize affordable low tech solutions and community involvement, encouraging sustainable systems and lifestyles to take root in every household and community in Northern New Mexico and beyond. We enjoy developing relationships with kids and classroom groups. That way we can layer our experiential curriculum to teach about tracking natural resources for living in harmony with the Earth's natural cycles. Classes in -- Passive Solar Design, Solar Cooking and Sustainable Kitchens, Land Restoration, High Desert Gardening, Rain Harvesting, and Greywater systems. Residencies, internships and scholarships available.

Ancient Forests International

An organization dedicated to the scientific study of ancient forest ecosystems.

Audubon Canyon Ranch

Audubon Canyon Ranch protects the natural resources of its sanctuaries while fostering an understanding and appreciation of these environments. We educate children and adults, promote ecological literacy that is grounded in direct experience, and conduct research and restoration that advances conservation science. They support a network of three preserves.

Ca commence par moi

Ça commence par nous tous d'initier notre parcours écocitoyen ambitieux. Un changement qui se fait dans la durée, seul et collectivement, lentement et rapidement, dans les détails et la radicalité pour remettre le Vivant au coeur de tout.