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Impact 13

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Advocacy & Volunteering

Le Tour de France des innovations positives

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Related Resources

Climate Action Reserve

As the premier carbon offset registry for the North American carbon market, the Climate Action Reserve encourages action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by ensuring the environmental integrity and financial benefit of emissions reduction projects.


This non-profit organization focuses investors, companies and cities on taking urgent action to build a truly sustainable economy by measuring and understanding their environmental impact.

Abya Yala Fund for Indigenous Self-Development in South and Meso-America

Fosters greater self-reliance by indigenous peoples through support of struggles to protect homelands, natural environment and human rights, to improve health care, to address domestic legislation and international laws, to obtain access to communications media, to improve the conditions and status of women, to increase economic security, and to revitalize cultural and spiritual traditions. It is run by the indigenous people of the area. Website is in English and Spanish / Espanol.

Ann Arbor Ecology Center

The Ann Arbor Ecology Center works for a just and healthy environment through grassroots organizing, advocacy, education, and demonstration projects. Programs include climate and energy research, environmental education, farmland and natural area preservation, nontoxic product advocacy, chemical policy reform, and "Recycle Ann Arbor," which includes a Zero Waste initiative.


The world in action

Low Tech Lab

Au Low-tech Lab, nous employons le terme low-tech pour qualifier des objets, des systèmes, des techniques, des services, des savoir-faire, des pratiques, des modes de vie et même des courants de pensée, qui intègrent la technologie selon trois grands principes : Utile. Accessible. Durable.

The shift Project

Think tank qui œuvre en faveur d’une économie libérée de la contrainte carbone

WWOOF France

Vivre et apprendre dans des fermes et jardins biologiques

Communication numérique responsable par l'ADEME

Dématérialiser votre communication n’est pas synonyme de zéro impact. Pour agir sur les impacts environnementaux de votre communication numérique (site Internet, version électronique online ou offline, publicités digitales, e-mailing, réseaux sociaux…), il est important de connaître les impacts des TIC afin d’accompagner les changements de pratiques et de mieux éco-concevoir vos campagnes.

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