
California Environmental Protection Agency - SF Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board

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Provides the public with access to information about the quality of water in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Related Resources

San Francisco Estuary Institute

Founded in 1994 as a non-profit organization with the responsibility of fostering the development of the scientific understanding needed to protect and enhance the San Francisco Estuary. Their website also features a Web Query Tool so you can look up water quality on a map. <>

Wallace Group

Design sustainable solutions, is an industry leader when it comes to design and feasibility analysis of recycled water projects, designing recycled water distribution systems, preparing water resource conservation and drought protection plans, and designing wastewater treatment plants that produce high quality treated water suitable for reuse.

Greywater Action

Greywater Action offers workshops on installing Greywater systems, and their web site is packed with information on Greywater, composting toilets, rainwater harvesting, dams, river restoration, sewers, and more. Web site also includes information on their publications, including "Dam Nation". Online Contact Form: [](

Alternative Solutions, Inc.

Alternative Solutions, Inc. sells food grade containers that can be used for rain water catchment systems, composters, grey water systems, emergency drinking water storage, and much more. They offer sizes ranging from 2.5 gallons up to 275 gallons. They have two locations.

Surfrider Foundation

Surfrider's mission is protection and enjoyment of oceans, waves and beaches through a powerful activist network. They develop campaigns in multiple communities to protect oceans in the categories of Clean Water, Beach Access and Preservation, and Protecting Special Places.

Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA)

Largest statewide coalition of public water agencies in the US with over 430 members. Represents over 90% of water used in California. Promotes best water management practices via research and advocacy. ACWA’s involvement at the state and federal level has helped shape laws and policies that affect ACWA member agencies and their customers. Check their website for upcoming workshops, seminars, and other ways to get involved.

WaterWise Consulting

Conducts residential water survey audits, to review landscape and irrigation conditions in addition to evaluating indoor water use. The surveyor will then inform to the homeowner about the inefficiencies in their indoor and outdoor water use and provide information for making their overall water use more efficient.


An Ireland-based company that makes the Rainman rainwater recycling system. Phone: UK: 0844 - 2020 - 263 Phone: IRL: +353 - 44 - 93 - 74108

Accutest West Coast Laboratory

Accutest Laboratories is a nationwide environmental testing laboratory that tests water, soil, and air as well as many other specialized tests. Drinking water tests offered: Inorganic Chemistry (Perchlorate only).

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